Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Where Runnitors Live

I was a pretty active participant on the running subreddit and now trying to get back into the full swing of things. About 1.5 years ago, I created a map on ZeeMap but unfortunately price got in the way so I have moved to MyMap created my Google Map. Last week I asked for runnitors to fill out where they are from as I always find it nice to visualize where people are from. Below is the current map where runnitors are from.

The data comes from over 1000 different users and I plan to keep this map updated. But from the first data set, I wanted to give some insight on the users who took part.

Taking in account 1164 data points, I did have to manually remove some that were trolls (see Nice Try who lived in Antarctica - I see what you did there), and also had to standardize country names, e.g. US --> United States, UK --> United Kingdom.

Of the data points, the large majority live in North America followed by Europe. This is not surprising as the Reddit demographic is largely American.

As seen in the graph above, 72% of respondents are from North America followed by 22% from Europe. A quick numerical breakdown is as followed: North America - 833, Europe - 260, Australia - 34, Asia - 29, South America - 8. I'm interested to see if the data changes as we get more respondents.

Breaking it down further into representation by country, I included in the graph all countries with over 5 respondents.

As you can see the top 5 respondents are the US, Canada, UK, Australia, and The Netherlands. The US alone makes up about 61.7% of the respondents. I am quite surprised that The Netherlands has such a high representation but at the same time Reddit is an English based site and research states that between 90-93% of the Dutch population speaks English (if you are interested in reading more about this feel free to read this 300+ page thesis). For all respondents that used Scotland, England, Northern Ireland, or Wales as a country, I changed it to United Kingdom.

The numbers indicated are based on pure numbers, so I thought it could be interesting to also include a weighted count based on population. Taking these 16 countries, I obtained their population (million) via google and proceeded to provide a weighted count based on the equation: count/population.

The higher the number in this case, the more representation there are based on population. With the weighted count you can see that things change a bit and that the US is now ranked 4th and Norway moved from 8th to 3rd. Germany had the largest fall from 6th to 14th. Canada takes the top spot followed by Ireland (this is under the assumption that all the folks who filled out Ireland lives in the Republic of Ireland).

And just for an added bonus, I did a little breakdown of the US States and included all responses with at least 20 respondents.

Not surprisingly, California, Texas, New York, Pennsylvania, and Illinois are the most represented states as they are also some of the most populous states. Like above, I've included a weighted count.

Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Virginia and New York are the top when we base it off of weighted count. California dropped from the top spot to 10th here.

Hope you enjoyed these statistics :)


This blog is dedicated to any running statistics that I feel like analyzing.